Wednesday, 1 April 2015

What is Electronic Leak Detection?

Electronic leak detection is a simple but effective method used by professional leakage detection companies in the UK. The method is often hyped up by companies to justify unusually high consultation fees.

What is Electronic Leak Detection?

Electronic leak detection or earth leak detection are a series of procedures used to detect leaks. They’re ideal for all commercial establishments especially rail-road tracks, parking lots, etc. One method is the low voltage test for waterproofing membranes and is used by architects and construction companies. An electrically charged brush is used to pinpoint even the smallest hole on surfaces to report penetrations. When the equipment that is brushed through the surface comes in contact with a penetration source, an audible tone along with a spark is emitted. This is then used by the specialist to detect a hole.

What are the uses of Earth Leak Detection?

ELD or electronic leak detection is better than other techniques as they’re cost and time efficient. The source of leaks are precisely identified, hence repairs are precise. Tests can be conducted without interrupting day to day operations of a company or without damage to the property. Rather than guessing about potential problems, specialists can submit exact evidence of a problem. ELDs have helped a lot in issues where roofs were suspected to be the source of a problem, but the actual problem turned to be somewhere else. This has saved companies thousands of pounds in roof repair and replacement. Electronic Leak Detection is recognized in the UK as a standard method for leak detection. It is also included as a standard within the National Building Specifications to detect water leakage.


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